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Depending on the make/buy/co-creation decision, development of different sub-systems and components will either be done in-house or externally. In the "acquire & integrate" model, the main focus will be on coordinating and integrating the suppliers of the different sub-systems. Only when applying the "in-house development" strategy will development management be of full concern.

Regardless of who will eventually be responsible for the development and implementation, it is a critical success factor for any AIoT product or solution. Accordingly, Part IV: Technical Execution covers this in full detail. From the point of view of the Part III: Business Execution, it is important to understand when the development perspective is important (i.e. in case of the in-house development), and how to interface with it from a business point of view. The discussion on Requirement & Design provides a good overview on this.

Finally, it should be understood that while the technical execution perspective introduces DevOps as the key paradigm to manage continuous product improvement, including the technical systems operations perspective, this is only a part of what is required from a business operations point of view. For this reason, the next section takes an explicit look at the holistic business operations perspective.