Ignite AIoTArtificial IntelligenceInternet of ThingsBusiness ModelProduct ArchitectureDevOps & InfrastructureTrust & SecurityReliability & ResilienceVerification & ValidationProduct OrganizationTechnology & Resource AcquisitionService OperationsOverview of Ignite AIoT Framework

Welcome to Ignite AIoT

Ignite AIoT provides a pragmatic and holistic framework for managing large-scale projects aiming to build smart, connected products utilizing Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (AIoT).

Background and Copyright

The Ignite AIoT Framework is a continuation of the original Ignite IoT Framework, based on the Enterprise IoT book (Slama, Puhlmann, Morrish, Bhatnagar; O`Reilly 2015).

AIoT Template Library

The Ignite AIoT Template Library provides a comprehensive set of templates which can be used by project managers and other stakeholders to successfully manage their AIoT project.

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